Coach Rivera is a full-time Chess Instructor for Chess in the Schools (CIS). He currently works at MS 390X, PS 503K, PS 189M, and PS 702K. Coach Rivera also brings something very unique to his job—Lorenzo was once a Chess in the Schools student! We got together with Coach Rivera to talk about his first year with CIS.
We were so excited to find out that you were a former CIS student! What school did you attend and what grade were you in when you started the CIS program?
Coach Rivera:
I went to PS 19 in Woodlawn (Bronx) and I was in the 6th grade when I started the CIS program.
Were you on the after-school chess team and did you play in CIS tournaments on the weekends?
Coach Rivera:
Yes, I was part of the after-school club and I travelled with my team to many CIS weekend tournaments. My most memorable tournament was a special CIS event at the Museum of Natural History—I got 2nd Place!
Did you first learn to play from CIS at school or did you already know how to play when you joined the program?
Coach Rivera:
I already knew how to play a little before CIS came to my school. However, because of CIS I was introduced to formal chess lessons, competitive play, and tournaments. I especially enjoyed the CIS tournaments and as a result of them I wanted to become a better chess player.
What do you like about teaching chess to NYC school children?
Coach Rivera:
Playing chess is a lot of fun, but teaching the kids about the 4-move checkmate or tactics and seeing them use these ideas in their games gives me a great feeling and makes me believe that I have taught my students something valuable. I also believe that chess is very beneficial for a child’s mind!
What do you like about working for Chess in the Schools?
Coach Rivera:
The people I work with are awesome and very supportive. I also like that CIS targets “Title-1” schools as I feel the students from these schools need something like chess in their lives the most. I also like that CIS has FREE tournaments in different schools all over NYC each weekend.
Do you have any plans to play in any tournaments in the new year?
Coach Rivera:
Yes, I plan to play in the US Amateur Team East event in February! I have been studying and reading “Chess Openings for Black Explained” by GM Lev Alburt, whom I met at a recent CIS tournament. GM Alburt was very friendly and he even signed the book and took a picture with me!
Do you have any hobbies or interests besides chess?
Coach Rivera:
Yes, music is a big part of my life. I enjoy playing the guitar and drums. With that said, I owe just about all my success in anything I do to CHESS!
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